The Role of a Registered Agent in a Business
A Registered Agent (or statutory agent) is a person or business entity appointed by a company to act as its legal representative. The Registered Agent is responsible for receiving service of process notices, official government and legal notifications, and any other important documents pertaining to the company and ensuring they are delivered in a timely manner.
The Registered Agent plays an essential role in managing the legal obligations of a business. They must maintain a permanent physical address in the state where the company is incorporated and be available during normal business hours to accept service of process notifications.
When the appointed Registered Agent changes, business owners must file the necessary documents with the relevant government body to ensure compliance with the law.
How to Choose a Registered Agent for Your Business
Choosing the right Registered Agent is a crucial step in ensuring the success of your business. Here are some tips for selecting a qualified and reliable Registered Agent:
- Check for Professionalism and Experience: Look for Registered Agent services that have a proven track record of delivering services on time, have a knowledgeable and helpful staff, and offer experienced and reliable services.
- Look for Credibility and Reputation: Be sure to select a Registered Agent that has a good reputation and is held in high regard by clients. Ask for references and do your own research to ensure they are trustworthy.
- Understand the Fees: Some Registered Agent services charge additional fees for services such as the filing of documents or customized services. Make sure you understand all of the fees associated with the service you’re considering.
The Legal Obligations of a Registered Agent
A Registered Agent has important legal obligations they must fulfil. These include:
- Accepting and promptly delivering all service of process documents, official government and legal notifications, and other important documents pertaining to the company.
- Updating their contact details with the relevant government body.
- Performing all their duties within the available resources and in accordance with the law.
In addition, a Registered Agent may also be responsible for filing annual reports or making other governmental filings on behalf of their client, depending on the service agreement.