Upmetrics AI Assistant: Simplifying Business Planning through AI-Powered Insights. Learn How

Business Consulting Software

Empowering Client Success: Integrated Planning for Consultants

Streamline your client strategies with collaborative workspaces and help grow their business with our tailored planning tools.


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Deliver engaging business advisory services with our financial forecasting & planning tools

Provide impactful suggestions

Provide impactful suggestions

Help your clients make informed business decisions and achieve long-term success by providing actionable advice.
Make your process more efficient​

Make your process more efficient

Focus on advising, not on number-crunching. Our platform enhances your efficiency, letting you spend more time consulting with your clients on growth.
Grow your advisory practice

Grow your advisory practice

Our platform helps you serve more clients, build a stronger team, and diversify your consulting services.

Impress your clients with the platform purposely built for advisory

Manage all your clients in a single space​

Manage all your clients in a single space

Management of multiple clients is made easy with one unified platform. This is where you can create, collaborate, and communicate in dedicated workspaces tailored to each consulting engagement.

Upon completion of your consulting, transfer ownership of the workspace smoothly to your client. This transition empowers clients with control over their business plans, all within our secure, intuitive platform.

Create lender-ready business plans

Bring your advisory role to the next level with custom business plans tailored to lenders’ requirements. Our customizable templates and comprehensive financial tools allow you to tailor each plan to meet the

Whether your client requires a simple pitch deck for agile investors or an elaborate, detailed business plan for banks, our platform equips you to deliver exactly what’s needed.

Create lender-ready business plans​
Fast and accurate financial projections ​

Fast and accurate financial projections

Guide your clients through detailed three-way financial forecasts to provide them with the foresight they need. Step-by-step guides and examples ensure clients can develop their projections easily.

Rather than static spreadsheets, why not use dynamic forecasting? Our tool takes you beyond traditional methods, offering real-time insights, intuitive scenario planning, and error-free calculations.

Deliver insights your clients will love

Discover valuable insights into your clients’ performance metrics with our intuitive dashboard. Integrate essential charts and reports into the business plan to ensure clients understand their numbers.

Transform financial data into a compelling narrative with our visually striking reports. Guide clients through data-driven solutions, ensuring each meeting brings them closer to their business goals.

Deliver insights your clients will love​

Ready to take your business consulting services to the next level?

What other entrepreneurs have to say about us

“Having complete control over our business plan has been instrumental in being able to raise funds from investors. Upmetrics is an invaluable product that keeps getting better.”

Jason Lorje
Founder & CEO Agmondo

“Upmetrics simplifies the heavy lifting for planning for business plans. It comes with 400+ sample templates, helpful tips, and detailed documentation. The only tool you ever need!”

Aizat Hawari
Founder Praxis Sdn. Phd

“I've tried most apps including LivePlan, Bizplan, and Cuttles, and found them all missing something critical. If you are a serious entrepreneur, Upmterics is the only app you need."

Imad Ahmed
Founder Nanolyse Technologies

Get a fully customizable plan for your business

Create your custom template
Sample plans for every industry
Strategic planning templates

Empower your clients with our Business Consulting Software

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