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STREAM Academy raised $500,000 through SBA's small business grants using the business plan created with Upmetrics

Explore how STREAM Academy managed to overcome nonprofit business planning challenges with Upmetrics. Here’s their journey from initial struggles to successfully securing $500,000 in small business grants.
Stream Academy
stream academy
Illinois, United States
Nonprofit organization

Company Overview

STREAM Academy is an educational organization committed to helping students apply what they learn in the classroom to real-world situations. It was established to close the gap between academic study and practical use. STREAM Academy offers innovative programs that motivate students to tackle real-world challenges.

STREAM Academy collaborates with educational partners and uses the latest technology and methods to provide engaging, hands-on learning experiences.

Their primary goal is to prepare students for the ever-changing demands of the modern workforce and to foster a generation of problem-solvers and innovators.

Key features used: Business plan builder, pitch deck creator, collaboration and sharing.

The Challenge

“We were new to nonprofit business planning and lacked the resources to create business development documents. We desperately needed a tool and guidance to help us plan and raise capital.” - Tammy Edward.

As a budding entrepreneur, nonprofit business planning was new for Tammy Edward, founder of STREAM Academy. They faced multiple challenges and a significant learning curve in the early stages of the academy.
Stream Academy Challenge

They needed to understand not only the basics of business planning but also how to tailor these strategies to the unique needs and regulatory requirements of the nonprofit sector. The newly established academy lacked the necessary resources, human expertise, and tools to create business development documents effectively.

“Raising capital was particularly challenging as a new nonprofit organization. We had to look for and rely on grants, donations, and other non-traditional funding sources, which was impossible without a detailed business plan and pitch deck,” stated Tammy while discussing STREAM Academy’s early-stage challenges.

Their initial struggles and the complexity of business planning in the nonprofit sector set them up on a quest to find the right business planning tool.

Our nonprofit was new to nonprofit business planning, and we had no idea that there was a sharable platform for creating business development documents until we found Upmetrics.
Tammy Edward
Founder and Administrator,
STREAM Academy

The Solution

Discovering Upmetrics during a nonprofit business development training program was a pivotal moment. The platform streamlined their planning process, enabling them to create a pitch deck that was presented at a competition in San Diego.

Tammy was introduced to Upmetrics by her peers during a nonprofit business development training program, and she considers it to be a pivotal moment in their journey. Upmetrics provided the necessary tools and resources the academy desperately needed to advance its business planning processes.
Stream Academy Solution

Custom template simplified nonprofit business planning

“Upmetrics provides custom templates for nonprofits, which made it much easier to create our business plans and share our information with our consultants to help us fine-tune our plans and stay focused on what we need to include,” mentioned Tammy while reflecting on their positive experience using our custom templates.

Tammy and her colleagues at the academy found Upmetrics to be exceptionally user-friendly and intuitive, which significantly reduced the learning curve and streamlined their planning efforts.

Collaborative workspace and enhanced planning process

Tammy and her colleagues thoroughly enjoyed using Upmetrics’ collaborative workspaces and suite of tools including business plan builder, model canvas templates, financial forecasting tool, and especially pitch deck builder.

Upmetrics’ collaborative workspaces allowed Tammy and her team to work together in real-time. This feature was particularly beneficial for brainstorming sessions, editing documents, and providing instant feedback. The ability to track changes and maintain version control ensured that everyone was on the same page.

Using Upmetrics’ collaborative workspace and suite of tools, STREAM Academy was able to develop a detailed business plan, build a compelling pitch deck, and prepare grant proposals with ease. The platform’s user-friendly interface and comprehensive features made it an indispensable resource for Tammy and her team.

We completed our business plan, could download the details into a full report, and created pitch decks that were also presented at a pitch Competition in San Diego; all thanks to Upmetrics.
Tammy Edwards
Tammy Edward
Founder and Administrator,
STREAM Academy

The Impact

Upmetrics helped STREAM Academy to overcome nonprofit business planning challenges and streamline processes, enabling them to develop a detailed plan and secure $500,000 in SBA’s business grants.

Upmetrics’ inclusion in STREAM Academy’s business planning process has been no less than revolutionary. The platform helped the organization overcome significant nonprofit business planning challenges and streamline its processes.
Stream Academy Impact

Our comprehensive set of tools played a crucial role in their success, particularly in the development of critical business documents like business plans, pitch decks, and grant proposals. The effective use of Upmetrics led them to successful participation in the pitch competition in San Diago, where they presented their business idea using the pitch deck.

The well-crafted grant proposals and detailed plans helped them successfully secure $500,000 in SBA’s small business grants. This funding was a direct result of the improved business planning capabilities provided by Upmetrics.

Securing this funding had a significant impact on STREAM Academy. It not only provided the financial resources necessary to expand their programs but also helped them reach more students and enhance their educational offerings.

The grant allowed the organization to invest in new technologies, hire more staff, and develop more comprehensive educational initiatives.

Upmetrics has been a game-changer for us. I would surely recommend other business owners to use Upmetrics in developing their business plans, pitch decks, and grant applications. Follow the templates and proofread the details for clarity. Ask for help if you find yourself stuck; they are very quick and supportive with their response.
Tammy Edwards
Tammy Edward
Founder and Administrator,
STREAM Academy

Upmetrics for nonprofits & small business owners

Nonprofits and small business owners need business planning software and tools to help them create and manage business documents like business plans, pitch decks, and strategic plans. We just help do that.

Upmetrics turned out to be a game-changing addition to STREAM Academy’s business planning process.

Talking about driving results for the academy—all those unproductive meetings, brainstorming sessions, and overwhelming planning hours turned into a streamlined planning process showcasing impressive results—all thanks to Upmetrics!

Need help optimizing your processes as well? Try Upmetrics for organized and streamlined plan creation. Explore our solutions for businesses wanting secure funding, loans, or grants.


Your Ideal Business Plan Is Just A Few Clicks Away!

Create, customize, collaborate, and share your business plan using Upmetrics