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Social Lean Canvas

Social lean canvas
The Social Lean Canvas is adapted from Lean Canvas. 

For Social enterprises, just two new sections have been added

  • Purpose
  • Impact

How to use this canvas?

Purpose: Your reason for doing this venture, is clearly defined in terms of the social or environmental problems you want to solve.

Impact: What is the intended social or environmental impact of your venture?

For the rest of the sections, you can follow up on the documentation of The Lean Canvas

View All Canvas Templates

Social lean canvas
The Social Lean Canvas is adapted from Lean Canvas. 

For Social enterprises, just two new sections have been added

  • Purpose
  • Impact

How to use this canvas?

Purpose: Your reason for doing this venture, is clearly defined in terms of the social or environmental problems you want to solve.

Impact: What is the intended social or environmental impact of your venture?

For the rest of the sections, you can follow up on the documentation of The Lean Canvas

View All Canvas Templates


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