From content to structure to visual appeal— a lot many things need to be considered to put together a succeeding pitch deck.
Especially, in this competitive startup landscape where first impressions make or break your chance to secure funding, you need a pitch deck that brilliantly represents your business idea and its ability to succeed in the best possible limelight.
Now, designing can get pretty expensive depending on how you choose to create your pitch deck.
However, having a thorough understanding of how much does it cost to design a pitch deck will help you choose just about the right method.
Well, read along and understand different designing methods and their costs, and discover the best way to design your pitch deck.
Ready to get started? Let’s dive right in.
How much does designing a pitch deck cost?
The average cost of designing a good pitch deck spans anywhere between $1,500 and $10,000.These costs vary significantly depending on the number of pitch deck slides, the designer’s expertise, geography, and the complexity of a project.
However, if we talk about modern methods like pitch deck templates or AI pitch deck generator, it is possible to design your pitch decks for as little as $7.
Traditional vs. AI-powered pitch deck creation
A persuasive pitch deck helps in securing the funding essential for your startup. However, creating decks from scratch demands expertise, time, and a lot of money.
Want to create an attractive investor’s pitch deck without spending extensively on tools and designers? Well, AI pitch deck generators are perfect for you.
Spend zero time designing your pitch deck. Create simple and attractive presentations using a structured pitch deck template that requires zero designing on your part.
Create effective pitch deck content with AI. Simplify the writing process by using AI to create persuasive pitch content. Instead of spending days figuring out what and how to write, get your pitch deck content ready in a couple of minutes.
Explore the most cost-effective way of designing a pitch deck. The traditional methods of hiring a designer or agency cost more than a thousand dollars. AI deck generators, on the contrary, design your pitch deck from scratch for prices as low as $7.
Ditch your old-school pitch deck creation methods
Make compelling pitch decks in minutes with AI
Plans starting from $7/month

Understanding pitch deck designing costs
Let’s now understand the different methods used for designing a pitch deck and the costs associated with each.
1. Hiring a freelance designer
Hiring a professional pitch deck designer is one of the ways to get your pitch deck designed.
In terms of hourly pricing, a graphic designer charges anywhere between $17-$48. However, if you are looking for a professional pitch deck designer, be prepared to budget $1,000-$3,000 for their expertise.
Bear in mind, that any certified designer can do a decent job in giving your slides a clean aesthetic. However, that’s not enough.
You need a freelancer who has an extensive understanding of pitch deck structuring and a portfolio to support their extraordinary designing skills.
Such designers, although expensive, are well aware of what sells and how to best approach the investors. They have an inherent knowledge of your market, trends, and consumer behavior, and know perfectly how to strike the nerve of an investor.
Now, hiring a freelancer is comparatively cheaper than hiring an agency. However, they are still far more expensive than using AI pitch deck generators or DIY designing tools.
2. Using an AI pitch deck generator
AI pitch deck generators are fairly new to the market but are amongst the most cost-effective and efficient solutions that can help you create a winning pitch deck in no time.
Generally, the cost for an AI deck generator revolves around $100. However, some prominent players in the market are offering plans for as little as $7.
Now, it can take a lot of time to design your full pitch deck from scratch. From framing pitch deck content to strategizing its structure and placing it all into a visually attractive slide— the process can take anywhere from a week up to a month.
AI generators cut down this time considerably by offering a strategically designed pitch deck template and an inbuilt AI to write your content. Since the template includes all the slides essential for a pitch deck, it takes only a couple of minutes to get your pitch deck ready.
Such tools are quite simple and require no prior expertise in pitch deck designing. They are perfect for emerging entrepreneurs who want to create their own pitch deck without compromising on the overall quality of a pitch deck.
Lastly, if you don’t want to miss out on any opportunity to pitch the investors, AI deck tools with their time-efficient methods are perfect for you.
Ditch your old-school pitch deck creation methods
Make compelling pitch decks in minutes with AI
Plans starting from $7/month

3. Hiring a professional presentation designing agency
Hiring an agency for your pitch deck venture can be expensive. To give you a rough idea, you can expect to spend anywhere from $2,000-$10,000 and sometimes as high as $50,000.
Agencies usually have a team of designers equipped with the latest tools to design professional presentations. They are far more equipped, professional, and experienced than individual freelancers.
So, businesses with peculiar design demands and complex business ideas can benefit from agencies.
However, there are very few agencies that are experienced in designing investor pitches. Most simply get the work outsourced from junior designers or freelancers who have no expertise in pitch deck design.
In such cases, agencies fail to deliver valuable results for the prices they charge.
Unless you have a very peculiar need that can only be met with an agency, you can choose from other cost-effective options that are more time-efficient as well.
4. DIY graphic designing tools
Lastly, you can wear the cape and design your presentation from scratch using free and paid graphic tools.
The cost of designing a pitch deck depends on the tool and its features. However, you can expect to pay anything from $10-$150 for their monthly subscription. Although free tools are an option, we would suggest going for a paid version to get better features.
Now, designing on your own with no templates can be time-consuming and tiring. Given that there are pitch deck generator tools that help design a full pitch deck within this price range, choosing this method makes little sense.
Now that you have explored different pitch deck design options and their costs, let’s see if there are any ways to bring down those design costs.
Tips for reducing pitch deck designing costs
There is no right answer as to how much should an individual spend on designing a pitch deck. However, here are a few tips that might help you to reduce the overall design costs for different methods.
Hire strategically
Hiring freelancers from developing economies is much more cost-effective than hiring from the US or Canada. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on designing, you can get the work done for a couple of hundred dollars.
Low-cost design tools
Use free designing tools or paid pitch deck generators to design your decks. These tools are cost-effective and can help prepare simple minimalist presentations in no time.
Hire contractors for rework
If you cannot afford to hire a designer but still need their expertise, this is one of the ways to reduce your costs. Prepare a presentation on your own and hire a freelancer to rework for $10-$25 an hour. This can help save a couple of thousand dollars.
Use a pitch deck template
You can easily get a free template or even a paid template for $10-$50. These templates are strategically structured and offer a pre-designed layout that will create simple but persuasive pitch decks. It’s what you choose when you don’t want to hire a designer.
Now that you know of some practical ways to reduce your designing costs, let’s now help you figure out the best method for designing the pitch deck.
Why choose an AI pitch deck generator?
If you are still stuck on traditional methods to create a pitch deck, please stop. AI pitch deck generator is far better than the rest, be it in terms of cost-efficiency, time efficiency, or overall effectiveness.
Let’s clear your doubts once and for all.
Make writing easier
Writing a pitch deck is quite challenging. However, with AI generators you can easily finish the entire writing process in a few minutes. The AI assistance creates compelling and narrative content that will keep the investors invested in your presentation.
Make designing simple
AI generators offer a simple but persuasive pre-defined template that requires no strategic structuring or designing. Fill in all the details and you will get your simple yet persuasive pitch deck ready.
Helps secure funding
Templates used by AI deck generators are strategically designed to attract modern-day investors. It helps you create winning decks and increases your chances of securing funding considerably.
Reduces dependence
AI generators eliminate the need to be dependent on others. By equipping you with the right tools, resources, educational guides, and video tutorials— it offers everything you need to prepare an exquisite deck.
Saves time and effort
From content planning to design, it takes a couple of weeks to create your pitch traditionally. However, AI generators make it possible for you to create your pitch deck in less than an hour.
Saves money
The average starting price for pitch deck generators is $7 onwards. Even if we consider the higher range, the monthly subscription for these tools can span no more than $100. This is not even one-tenth of what designers and agencies charge.
Start preparing your pitch deck
Now that you have a rough approximation of costs, let’s take the first step and get your pitch deck prepared.
Upmetrics AI pitch deck generator helps you prepare the most perfect pitch deck with its AI writing assistance, financial forecasting, business planning resources, and pitch deck templates.
Get started now and design the perfect pitch deck to impress the investors.