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Writing a business plan?

Writing a 30-page long business plan can look like a huge hassle if you are just starting with your business. You might even feel like skipping the planning process altogether.

But you don’t have to. There’s a quick and easy solution to your problem.

sample business plan

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  • Fill in the blanks – Outline
  • Financial Tables
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With the help of a page-long plan, you’ll neither have to spend days planning your business nor skip the planning process completely.

A business plan can be of great help to your business, and a one-page plan can become your plan’s foundation as you expand your business.

Read on to find out everything about a one-page business plan.

How Can a One-Page Business Plan Help You?

A one-page business plan can help you with the following:

  1. It can help you understand the market you are getting into.
  2. It can help you set clear and precise goals for your business.
  3. It gives form and structure to your business idea.
  4. It acts as a foundation stone for your business model.

And most importantly, a page-long plan can be written in a short time.

Although you’ll eventually need a detailed and comprehensive plan in the future, a one-page plan is a good place to start.

One Page Business Plan Outline

This is the standard one-page business plan outline which will cover all important sections that you should include in your business plan.

  • Overview
    • What will you sell?
    • Who will buy it?
    • How will your business idea help people?
  • Ka-ching
    • What will you charge?
    • How will you get paid?
    • How else will you make money from this project?
  • Hustling
    • How will customers learn about your business?
    • How can you encourage referrals?
  • Success
    • The project will be successful when it achieves these metrics
  • Obstacles / Challenges / Open Questions
    • Specific concern or question #1
    • The proposed solution to concern #1

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Now, let’s understand in detail what you should write each section of this business plan.

How to Write a One Page Business Plan?

Though, you might wonder, is it even possible to fit all the details about a business on just one page?

It surely is. Also, it is a more compact and faster way of writing a business plan.

You can easily write a business plan either by using a pre-designed template or by using online business plan software, which helps you write a customizable plan anywhere and at any time.

The following sections will help you write a compact and well-rounded business plan:


This section would consist of a brief overview of all that your business stands for. It would mainly include your vision and mission statement.

As your business plan is going to be super short, you need to sum up this section in two to three lines. Remember to be as clear and precise as possible.

For example, if you are a fashion designer, your business’s overview might look like this.

“ We design clothes to give something new and something special to everyone.”

Target Market

Including information about the target market is crucial for any business plan.

Knowing your target market not only helps you serve them better, but also helps you in streamlining your marketing efforts.

You can separate your target market based on age, gender, income, geographical location, and occupation.

Market Needs

Before you enter any market, it is a good practice to evaluate how valid your business idea is.

Also, what market needs does your product or service fulfill? In this section, you’ll precisely cover the market gap that exists. And how do you aim to fulfill it with your product or service?

Writing this section helps you understand how much optimization your product needs. And if it is needed in the market at all.

Marketing Plan

A marketing plan is immensely helpful for any business.

It helps you decide how you will reach out to your target audience and how you’ll convince them to buy your product or use your service.

It is also important to evaluate whether your marketing campaign would resonate with your target audience or not.


This section would consist of the potential market threats that your business would have to face, and how would you overcome them.

For this section, you can carry out a SWOT analysis and include its results in your plan.

Knowing the threats that exist in the market helps you in being better prepared while facing them.


Having milestones to achieve helps you keep better track of your business journey.

Milestones give you something tangible to work upon. Hence, you become more organized and motivated.

Moreover, it also helps you in knowing whether you are working in the right direction or not. In this way, it helps you steer clear of roadblocks and dead ends in your business journey.


Before you enter any industry or market, it is important to analyze your competitors.

Include what are their strengths and weaknesses. Also, include what sets you apart from them and would help you create your unique place in the market.

Funding Needs

The financial section consists of the funds you’ll need to keep your business going. Writing this section clearly and backed with strong facts can help you in getting funded.

Especially when you are just starting, getting funded can act as a big plus.

To create automatic financials for your own business plan, we recommend Upmetrics. Create your own business plan.

Download a sample one-page business plan

Need help writing your business plan from scratch? Here you go; download our free one-page business plan pdf to start.

It’s a modern business plan template specifically designed for your one-page business. Use the example business plan as a guide for writing your own.

The Quickest Way to turn a Business Idea into a Business Plan

Fill-in-the-blanks and automatic financials make it easy.

One Page Business Plan Summary

All in all, summing up your entire business idea on a single page is very much possible and feasible.

A plan can give form and structure to your idea even if it is only a page long.

After getting started with Upmetrics, you can copy this sample one-page business plan template into your business plan and modify the required information and download your one page business plan pdf or doc file.

It’s the fastest and easiest way to start writing a business plan.

About the Author


Upmetrics Team

Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more


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